Freeway Bureau,MOTC English Vision

Freeway Bureau English Vision
National Freeway Sections and Hours for Opening of Road Shoulders
National Freeway Sections and Hours for Opening of Road Shoulders
  1. All beginning and end points of open shoulder sections are marked with signs. Please remember to return to the regular lanes after the section ends.           
  2. Because the shoulder lanes are narrow, please drive at reduced speed, keep a safe distance, and follow closely the instructions given by the highway police while driving on the shoulder lanes.
  3. If the traffic on the freeway flows smoothly when the shoulder lanes are open, please use the regular lanes as a priority.
  4. Open sections and hours may vary due to construction work or other factors; please follow the directions provided in each location. 
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Time printed:2024-7-27 PM 12:51:03
Date of Posting :2008-02-15
Source of Information:Traffic Management Division
Last Updated:2024-03-08
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