Traffic News: New temporary northbound On-Ramp open at Linkou Interchange B
Guishan District, Taoyuan City – To construct northbound entrance and exit dividing culvert ramp system, the construction crew schedules to transfer the northbound on-ramp of Linko Interchange B to the new temporary northbound on-ramp, and the new temporary northbound on-ramp is about 50m in front of the original. The new northbound on-ramp is scheduled to open for traffic on Thursday, Aug. 29. 2024, 6 a.m., the First Engineering Branch Office said.
Detail of the new temporary on-ramp and map as below
1. The temporary northbound on-ramp of Linkou Interchange B is located about 50m in front of the original.
2. The width of the temporary northbound on-ramp lane is 3.75m, and the speed limit is 40 km/h.
3. The lane alignment of the collector road of Linkou Interchange B will also be adjusted simultaneously.
The Construction Crew remind drivers who must approach the DaxiLinkou Interchange area with care, and follow the instructions of the traffic sign or the traffic controller to ensure safe drive. Detailed information can be found at the website,
上架日期 :113-08-22
資料維護單位 :第一新建工程分局技術科