News Update

Please notice the traffic control measures during the Lunar New Year Holiday, choose a better time to departure

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Based on the traffic characteristics of the Lunar New Year Holiday in recent years, Freeway Bureau considered that return hometown and tourism are major trip purposes. The traffic volume is up to 1.6~1.8 times of average annual weekday traffic. Southbound traffic is concentrated on January 22th to 24th morning hours, and northbound traffic is concentrated on January 24th to 26th afternoon hours. Therefore, Freeway Bureau recommends that people should take public transportation to replace driving for saving time. If people need to drive on the freeway, it’s recommended to departure as follow to avoid rush hours:
1. From January 22th to 24th, please departure southbound before 6:00 a.m. or after 12:00 noon.
2. From January 24th to 26th, people living in the southern region please departure northbound before 9:00 a.m., and that living in the central region departure northbound before 12:00 noon.
To ease the massive traffic demand during the Lunar New Year Holiday, Freeway Bureau will implement entrance ramp closure, and northbound high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) exclusive use (see Figure.1). Please make sure you have known relevant freeway traffic control measures for the Lunar New Year before you drive.
Freeway Bureau wishes everyone a happy Lunar New Year Holiday.

Contact person: (For inquiries about the content of traffic diversion measures, please dial 24-hours free customer service hotline 1968)
Ming-June CHO, Division Director, Traffic Management Division, Freeway Bureau (02) 2909-6141
Ming-Jer TSAI, Section Director, Traffic Management Division, Freeway Bureau (02) 2909-6141 ext. 2331

Date of Posting :2023-01-06
Source of Information:Secretariat
Last Updated:2023-01-06
Visitor Counts:1429