News Update

Vehicle Activation Of eTag Service Instructions

Category : ETC
Publish Date :  2020-10
Units :  Freeway Bureau, MOTC
Content :  The new owner of the vehicle who has transferred the ownership of the vehicle, if the eTag has been affixed on the vehicle, the new owner will be able to activate the eTag service with just a call, and enjoy 10% discount on the payment of full stored value.
According to the data of vehicle changes and used vehicle eTag installation, about 30% of new used vehicle users have not activated the in-vehicle eTag, so they could not enjoy the services of eTag. The Freeway Bureau appeal the vehicle to complete the transfer procedures in Motor Vehicle office and station, new owner can use the direct call toll-free line at Motor Vehicle office and station, or contact the Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection (FETC) customer service number (02-77161998) to activate the in-car eTag. In addition, after receiving the SMS from the FETC, owner who have not yet activate the eTag can call FETC customer service center to activate the eTag.
The Freeway Bureau’s appeal, freeway tolls should be paid at the time of passage, and it is recommended that users apply for automatic bank transfer to enjoy 10% discount on the full amount of the toll. Which is the most convenient, burden-free and environmentally friendly way to pay the toll, and there will be not missed payments. After passing the freeway, you should take the initiative to check through various channels to see if you have any overdue tolls, and pay the tolls within the due date to avoid registered operating processed fee, overdue fine and compulsory enforcement.
Contact unit: Freeway Bureau, MOTC
Contact number:  Feng-Liang Liu  02-2909-61412401
Contact number:  Hsin-Chu Cheng 02-2909-61412431

Date of Posting :2020-10-28
Source of Information:Toll & Service Division
Last Updated:2020-10-28
Visitor Counts:2619